What We Do
The Coronado Public Library has two sources of funds to maintain this fabulous community resource. Tax dollars, through the City of Coronado yearly budget, pays for all essential services needed to run the Library, such as salaries, the building and grounds upkeep and maintaining its collection of books, DVDs, takeaways and other printed materials.
But just as important to any Library are its programs, for its children, teens and adults. And, that is where the Friends of the Coronado Public Library (FOL) comes in. FOL provides ALL of the economic resources for what the City would consider “non-essential” resources, I.e. ALL the programs and ALL the extra items which make our Library so special.
The FOL budget for programs is currently $63,500.00 which is given to the Director of Library Services to pray for the programs he and his staff will present for the upcoming year: Programs such as the authors’ luncheon series, the brown bag piano concerts, story times, holiday concerts, reading programs, childrens activities and the like. ALL of the programs presented by the Library are funded by FOL.​

In addition, FOL has made special purchases for items to make our Library a nicer and more welcoming place, among other things:
The Winn Room Steinway baby grand piano, at a cost of $63,000.00;
The Ramos Martinez “Canasta de Flores” mural, at a cost of $125,000.00;
One of the Wizard of Oz Windows in the Childrens' Portal, at a cost of $10,000.00;
The book cases in the Spreckels Reading Room, at a cost of $50,000.00; and
The redecoration of the Teen Library.
In addition, FOL has made special contributions to the Library’s Photo Atlas and Digital Media Lab, the Special Operations Book Collection, exhibits, database subscriptions and more. In addition, FOL provides three scholarships to graduating Coronado High School Seniors. And, in its philanthropic efforts on behalf of persons not lucky to enjoy our Library in person, FOL continues to do good works by, among other things:
Donating book shelves and books to the San Pasqual High School for Foster Children;
Donating to United Through Reading, which connects military parents with their children through video book readings;
Purchasing textbooks for aged out foster children who go on to college;
Donating to the Reading Legacies reading program for children whose parents are in prison;
Donating to the Monarch School for Homeless Children for the purchase of textbooks; and
Donating books to the Annual Homeless Veterans Stand-down, overseas military personnel and orphanages in Tijuana.